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來源:北京中孚高科科技有限公司   2017年12月21日 14:33  


One ball is used per test, while ten tests can be run using one test ring.

To run an ABS test, the following specimens are used:

· ABS ½” steel ball (ABSBALL) -One  ball is used per ASTM D5001 test

· Test rings (ABSRING) are manufactured to ASTM D5001 and are supplied in packs of 10. Each ring can be used for 10 tests.

One ball is used per test, while ten tests can be run using one test ring.

To run an ABS test, the following specimens are used:

ABS ½” steel ball (ABSBALL) -One  ball is used per ASTM D5001 test

Test rings (ABSRING) are manufactured to ASTM D5001 and are supplied in packs of 10. Each ring can be used for 10 tests.


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