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閱讀:928          發(fā)布時間:2018-5-8

NAPERVILLE, Ill. (Oct. 14, 2014)—North Central College is honoring Naperville resident Jeffrey “Jeff”
Swallow with a 2014 Outstanding Alumni Award.
Swallow and four others will be honored during the College’s Homecoming Reunion Celebration from 6 to
11 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 18, at the College’s Residence Hall/Recreation Center, 440 S. Brainard St.
A 1994 graduate of North Central College, Swallow is a visionary corporate leader, North Central College
Trustee and generous philanthropist. He has a special interest in providing financial assistance to
students obtaining their college degrees. Currently president and chief executive officer of Magnetrol
International Incorporated in Aurora, Swallow has spent his career in planning, implementation,
administration, and management of growing and expanding manufacturing environments. The success of
Magnetrol reflects his wise management and business acumen.
After completing an associate’s degree at Lincoln College in downstate Lincoln, Swallow received his
bachelor’s degree at North Central College and called crossing the stage at Commencement “one of my
proudest moments.” To honor both schools, he established the Magnetrol Judy G. Stevenson Scholarships
that fully fund the educations of selected Lincoln College transfer students for two years at North Central
The scholarships are named for his late mother, who together with Jeff supported numerous capital
projects on campus and other scholarships. Meiley-Swallow Hall is named in the family’s honor and to
commemorate the many ties between the family and the College.
Swallow earned his M.B.A. from Northwestern University in 2001 and a Ph.D. from Benedictine University
in organizational development in 2008. His research interests include issues of organization development
and behavior and international management.
He became a charter member of North Central College’s Board of Trustee Associates in 1997 and has
served on the Board of Trustees since 2006. Swallow, his wife Madeleine and their three children reside
in Naperville.
Others being honored during North Central’s Homecoming are Outstanding Alumni Award recipients
Becky Anderson of Naperville and William Gossell of Farmers Branch, Texas. Wade Hicks of Framingham,
Mass., will receive an Alumni Recognition Award and the Rev. Tom Babler of Naperville will receive a Wall
of Witness honor.
Founded in 1861, North Central College is an independent, comprehensive college of the liberal arts and
sciences that offers more than 55 undergraduate majors and graduate programming in seven areas. With
more than 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students, North Central College is committed to academic
excellence, a climate that emphasizes leadership, ethics, values and service, a curriculum that balances
job-related knowledge with a liberal arts foundation and a caring environment with small classes. Visit
northcentralcollege.edu to learn more. 


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